The Gwen Beloti Gift an Educator Project

Founded in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, the goal of the Gift and Educator project was to thank hard working educators working under difficult circumstances on the frontline of education.  We didn’t know it initially but the project would become a permanent fixture in our calendar and commitment to giving.   It was and is a fantastic way to recognize and reward exceptional teachers by gifting them a beautiful piece of gold jewelry, a small yet special token of appreciation. 

Educators rarely get the thanks and recognition they deserve.  Education isn’t necessarily a profession that people enter for financial reward or fame. Instead teachers work tirelessly to improve and inspire the lives of their students.  They commit to this work without expected acknowledgment or reward.  Teachers are the unsung heroes of our community.  

Why is the Gift an Educator Project so important? 

A good teacher helps shape a child’s future. It requires a special person with empathy, kindness and drive to enable a student to approach their studies and life with confidence and give them the tools they need to succeed.

Many teachers go far beyond the strictures of their work description to help improve the lives of children and their families.  

Gwen Beloti herself has credited her teachers with instilling in her the confidence and ambition that she has needed to pursue and succeed in the ultra competitive world of jewelry. This is a project which is close to her heart. 

A lot of time and thought goes into selecting the teachers each year.  Gwen and the team review each and every single nomination submission.  The 2022 Honoree list  is quite impressive and speaks to the immense amount of talent and compassion that so many teachers have.  First grade teachers, special needs teachers, inner city teachers, teachers working in all types of environments; all are united by their love and care of their students. 

The Gift an Educator Project is important because it gives students, parents, colleagues, etc.,  a way to show an amazing teacher that they appreciate and recognize their efforts. 

In 2022 there were 25 teachers from across the USA who were honored via the Gift a Educator project.

How do you nominate an Educator for a Gift an Educator award? 

Of the 2022 nominees there were 200+ nominations and 25 teachers were selected. We invite you, if you know an amazing educator,  to submit a nomination and shine the light on them.   You can submit your nomination here and join our mailing list for updates and announcements.  Simply tell us a bit about your person and why you think they should be gifted. Nominations opened on May 1st month during Teacher’s Appreciation month and will close in the fall.   Later this year a select number of educators will receive a complimentary piece of Gwen Beloti Jewelry to enjoy and be acknowledged among our other educators and honorees.  

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